Tuesday, August 17, 2010


  1. Selamat berpuasa.
  2. My oyasan's (landlord) dog is extremely skinny…extremely skinny. I don't know what happen. It was a healthy dog and now it look sick and starved to death. I am enraged to think that my oyasan has neglected the dog…but to calm myself, 'the dog might be sick'…
  3. Regarding my previous post….i got lots of response that says, 'You OWN Your Life'…oh well people…..i am not looking for anybody's permission. I am enraged to think that you guys think I need permission to meet my family….haha….sikla enraged…..but thanks for all the support. ;)
  4. I have a confession…I've watched Salt and Inception twice…. It was the second time that I truly understand Inception.haha…it is such a complicated movie….dont blame me!
  5. Can't wait for Eat,Pray,Love and Biohazard…thinking of watching Eat,Pray,Love with my girlfriends. I think it is more effective that way…haha….

Selamat berpuasa ….take advantage of this bulan penuh kerahmatan….not to loose weight okay…but to gain pahala! ;)