Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Tiny Human Inside

Things I missed
 1. The pleasure of lying (sleeping) on my back. turns out sleeping on your side is the best...it improves your blood circulation as well as ur kidney function.
2. The pleasure of peeing. When you are expecting, you'll pee every 1/2 hour...too much of anything is boring..haha
3. To jump. T_T

Heh..turns out there arent too many things that I missed...I am, alhamdulillah, enjoying my pregnancy. Of course every day is a new experience. You can feel totally fine one day and the next you'll have heartburns or hip-pain or nausea or anything...

During our kursus pra-perkahwinan, this one penceramah (apa penceramah in bi?! Ohh...absentminded is another simptom you get when expecting....drives me crazy sometime..huhu)...anyway...this one penceramah remind us that, when expecting, don't push yourself too hard. Walk for 15mins then get a 5 mins rest then walk some more.

I never really pay attention to this.

Till one day, I went shopping by myself. So I walked from noon till around 5pm. I felt fine...that was till that night. I cried myself to sleep. I was crazy tired (finally it kicked in) but I just cant sleep.

Truly, your body changes when you are expecting.

Then there is one thing most expecting mom hate the most, when people touch their belly. Me, personally, don't really mind, cuz I see it as that person is excited about the preggy-belly as I am. Hehe.

Anyway a preggy mom wrote an article, "why I don't mind people touching my preggy belly". There is only one reason, because she realized that pregnancy is the most amazing thing and some women just cant no matter how bad she wants it. So if touching a pregnant belly makes her happy, why not?

Reading her article, makes me realized how lucky I am. I truly am. I am head over heels with this pregnancy...although there are parts of me being cautious...I always told myself, if anything happens, I will always have this amazing 7 months experience...and I pray for all of my friends to have this experience as well....insya allah.

Talking about fate....just believe Allah knows the best for you. Although sometimes life seems hard and you just cant get what you want...smile and say to yourself..Allah knows best. :)

I am loving my life to the max ....kadang2 tergelincir...kadang2 mengeluh...I wanna change that!

We all should change that... ;)

Monday, December 23, 2013


7 more days to 2014

End of last year, I was engaged to my bestfriend.

End of this year, we are expecting our 1st child.

End of next year? We both will be chasing our child….hehe… Insya Allah.

It surely has been so long since I have any post. 

Life has been nothing but blessed. 

Challenges here and there but I am too busy counting my blessings….and so should you.

My reading lately has been nothing but about pregnancy and having a child and growing a child and owh….MOCKINGJAY! haha

The movie was too good till I cant wait for the movie to know the endings. So reading it is.
Pregnancy is the best experience ever. 

Don’t concentrate on the challenges…just enjoy the perks and fun and happy thoughts.

Feeling the 1st kick is unimaginable. It is like a soft bubble bursting in your tummy…I couldn’t stop smiling each time it happens.

Well…the 1st kick is like a soft bubble….the 50th kick feels like a small fist trying to get through your tummy wall! It is especially ‘painful’ if its behind your belly-button…but still…I will still smile and laugh…no matter how sharp it felt, it is still the best feeling ever…haha…seriously!

My friend describes it as,” Sronok kena terajang!”…haha

If baby kick hard enough, we can see our tummy moves. Sometimes baby will stick their feet or hand or elbow (I have no idea what that is!), and we will see little bump pointing out from our tummy. Sometimes when we pat it softly, baby will move it inside….then do it again…its like playing a little game with us.

One thing so obvious is that whenever I am around my husband, baby will kick far stronger than when I am alone. I am not kidding! Once, both of us were surprised to see how my tummy “jumps” a little from baby’s kick. It is like baby can feel the presence of baby’s dad. :)

I’m sharing the rainbow and butterflies … I am leaving out the other side of it. Hehe. Growing tiny human inside of you is a hard work. Your appetite gone then comes back with a revenge. Your body aches. You couldn’t sleep just anyway you like. Hah…this morning, I swing one of my legs far too quickly as I was getting out of the car and what do I get? A sharp pain just below my tummy. 

I remembered how I cried because I was so tired but too uncomfortable to sleep. I will wake up once or twice each night to pee….sometimes I will just wake up…startled…it is worst if I realized I was sleeping on my back! (preggy moms are not supposed to do that…it’s bad for baby). The heartburn…oh the heartburn…

When you are pregnant, you are not supposed to lean back so much…it will interfere with baby’s position. U have to lean forward, you have to do this…you have to do that…you are not supposed to do that….you must not do this!

But when people asked me how am I feeling? I will say I feel great! Never better…..cuz honestly, that is how I feel. 

How can I not be grateful for this experience? 

I keep on praying that every woman in this world will have this experience…I honestly do. And if anything after this, I will always have this experience to hold on to…

thank you.....thank you...thank you...

Monday, November 25, 2013


Recently I read that ultrasound is actually damaging to the unborn baby. It may cause brain-damage.  I repeat, ‘it MAY cause brain damage.” How severe it is depends on time of exposure.
As a 1st time mommy-to-be, looking at the image of your baby is surely exciting. I was over the moon when I saw the black-and-white image (although I can’t really tell the different between the baby’s head and the bum…haha).
Anyway, when I read it, I was somehow glad that I only have few (compared to other mommy who had one at each check-up).
Just now I read on a forum when a young excited mommy tells her story how her baby showing off all of the action when she gets an ultra-sound (what concerned me is that the person who is doing that is not a real professional in ultrasound…I dared to say so because 1) they couldn’t differentiate the umbilical cord from the baby’s penis 2) it sounds like ‘just-for-fun’ ultrasound done by her friend). She said after sometime, the baby starts to get real active and shows off different ‘action’ for them.
Biting my tongue, I wanted to tell her so badly it is because of the baby is actually uncomfortable. It is said that prolong exposure to the umbilical cord can actually cause the environment in the womb become warmer…
Another thing that interest me is that, in the articles I read, they emphasis how irony it is that high-risk mom are prone to have more ultra-sound compared to the rest of us. Sure it is to monitor the condition of the pregnancy closely…but in the same time, the ultra-sound itself carries its own risk to the pregnancy.  
I guess the key is moderation….too much of everything is actually bad….
I am not sure what my conclusion is but I do wish more people aware of this.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Flickering Baby

As I am typing this, my baby is kicking me nonstop since few minutes ago.
I was so stressed at work today, I forgot about my baby till I start feeling the flutters….
Then suddenly my day doesn’t seem that bad.
There is no excuse for what happened at work.
It is just me.
My focus is somewhere else.
My wants is something else.
My needs are being ignored but my desire is being granted.
It is sad to admit but I cringe knowing some people are clapping so hard, and smiling as wide… as they watch me tumbling over…
Someone who gave me good advice is also the same person throwing me under the bus. It is ok. All is well and I do forgive you. You are just trying to jaga your periuk nasi.
Right now, nothing can go wrong…yet everything is not right.
When I am down, my baby will remind me of its presence and ‘kick’ me into survival-mode again.
and yes....i am blessed

Monday, October 21, 2013


This is going to sound so vain but hey..hihi

So there are many old wives’ tale on pregnancy.

Among them is about the gender of the baby.

They said that, if the mother is pregnant with a baby girl, other baby boy will like her… and if the mother is pregnant with a baby boy, other baby girl will like her…

Hmmm..how can I make this simpler?

For example, if…. IF I am having a girl, baby boy lovessss to be around me….and vice versa.

Get it?

Recently I found out the gender of my baby and tralala…somehow I think the tale is true..hehe

I love babies. I always do and never ever give up the chance to cradle them.

So recently, I discovered that babies of a specific gender loves me more than the other gender.

So much till I feel like it is a superpower! Haha

Yesterday I was on a flight home and a baby was crying so loud all through the flight. I find myself wondering if the baby is a boy or a girl….i was wondering cuz maybe I can help them! Hahaha…can you believe that?! I laughed at myself…I told myself…wow fiela…u really  think you have superpower?

The superpower to calm babies! kikiki  

p/s: whoever don’t love babies are crazy!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

gomen punya klinik

I am going for my 2nd check up today, at least 2nd one at the Klinik Kesihatan. I am half excited, half not so excited. Excited because I will be hearing about my baby progress (I hope). Not so excited because it’s the klinik kesihatan and we can never guess what will happen there.

I had a good 1st visit. Compared to the time they sent me away for coming late. Mind you, I call at 10.45am, asking them if it’s ok for me to come now, and they said it is fine. I arrived at 11am and they said it’s too late. I was shocked! It was not even 12noon. I just walk-away (definitely upset) but refuse to argue.

My appointment for this time was actually last Wednesday. But I have class on Wednesday. So I call them on Monday, to check if its ok for me to come on Monday or Tuesday instead.  An annoyed-sound nurse answer my call, she told me I can’t come on Monday because its too crowded.  I shouldn’t come on Tuesday either, because it will be crowded as well.  She asked me to come the following week (this week). Deep inside, I was asking myself, wouldn’t next week be crowded as well? Again, I refuse to argue and just agree. We will see how not crowded today is...

Another thing is that, they love to ask us to come before 8. They open at 8. They expect us to come and wait for them and then “berebut” to get the number. I find that is so ridiculous. Even when they said we have appointment on that day, they won’t give us any specific time. They expect us to arrive there at 8 (or before 8) and wait like the rest.

I am not expecting a 1st class treatment. It is after all a government hospital and I am aware they are overworked (at least that’s what I thought). But I do expect some civilized treatment. I know they usually dealt with a group of people who don’t have any respect for time.
One thing they should also realize is that, this people respect laws and authoritative voice. If you tell them to come at 9, they will be late the 1st time, but give them a lesson. Make them wait longer or asked them to come the next day, and I bet you, they will come on time next time. A simple lesson like that can go a long way! Next time they will remind their daughter to be on time because the government hospital is so strict! They will complain but who doesn’t right? At least they learn some discipline in their life.

But who am I kidding. It’s the staff who needs the lesson first (hahaha).

I am still upset at the female doctor there. She makes some unnecessary remark about me! You don’t have to be friendly, but you don’t have to be rude. I don’t even ask any stupid question. I let her do her thing… I guess that happened because she is young…(trying to pujuk myself).

There are however something good about the place. I love the nurse who attends me. She didn’t treat me like a queen, she treat me like a human. We chat, she gave good advice, she answers my stupid question patiently and she addresses all my worries calmly. She is a senior. Maybe the same age as my mum.

See the different?

But even the nurse who took my blood is nice. We didn’t chat. All she has to do is draw some blood (and it hurts! I was comparing her technique with the guy at the blood donation place…and hers really need some improvement…sakit ok!)….but she is nice…and she is YOUNG! Maybe my age

Entahlah…lain orang lain fe-el…..