Wednesday, August 11, 2010

might go back for raya


selamat berpuasa

my 2nd ramadhan here. no bazar terawih wiv sahur wiv bazar satok wiv grandpa n my brother....

yup...i am homesick....but i still cant figure out what is so bad about that?

what is so wrong about me wanting to be home for raya? although this is my last raya here...still...wats so significant about celebrating raya in nihon? lainla kalo beraya d mekah...solat sunat raya d masjidil-haram...alangkah indahnya...

mungkin ni antara perkara yang tak perlu d fahami....but me i so wrong wanting to be home for raya? life is short...i love my family...i miss them with every breath i took ( is that bad....pathetic? maybe...)...

i m not there for the worst? whats the worst? ohhh.....terlalu banyak persoalan...semuanya sebab 'i might go back for raya'...

help me friends...