Tuesday, February 17, 2009

…My life so far…


So far…hurmsss…….

  1. The interview…on 13th Feb…I can say it's successful since I can sit for the entrance exam. :)
  2. The entrance exam…on 16th Feb.. I didn't dare to say anything yet…owh..maybe I can say I'm quite positive about it?.... :D
  3. Another interview…(last Friday was with the university hurms…the dean and associates…heh heh...the truth is, I don't really get it when they introduce themselves..amd asking them to repeat their words each time is 'not nice'..it's an interview after all…)….k..back to this interview. Another interview…after the exam… this time with my most respected supervisor… Prof. Matsushita Misao…very pleasant..and most importantly for me right now, he can speak English… :p
  4. Another interview is on 26th Feb…I know…so many interviews and exam…. I'll do my best!....aja aja fighting….(eheh..ya Korean nak?)…. :p


Till then people…mok klua jap..beli beras…hahaha….on my own!..kelak cerita membeli barang di tempat orang when you have no idea what they are talking about…owhhhh…same thing happen during my exam yesterday…isk….am I allowed for self-pity? :p