Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I would like to dedicate this post to all new moms out there.

It breaks my heart to see post from new (and mostly young moms) on how their newborn refuse to sleep alone. Or how those moms complain and asking advice on how can the train ( I repeat TRAIN!) their newborns, how to sleep alone. Usually they describe their newborn as cranky or clingy or plain needy.

Your newborn has been inside of you for 9 months. He is used to your heartbeat. He is used being wrapped inside of you. He is used to the warmth and dark inside of you.
Suddenly he was born…and every single thing change! The bright light. The cold room. The noise! Oh the noise…he was so used to your heartbeat and maybe your tummy rumbling now and then. Suddenly that was gone. Now the world is louder…much louder…and brighter!

So it is too much for them to ask for your warmth…your hug to keep them accompanies allll theee time?! Yup….it seems impossible at first…but trust me…this is the beginning of a less cranky baby (read LESS).

Here is my story.

My son was admitted the 2nd day he was born. He was jaundiced right from the start. And I was among the lucky ones who get the mobile-phototherapy thingy. So what I did was, I started co-sleeping with my 2 days baby on the hospital bed!

 Some of the nurse was not impressed at all. Who cares? Right from the start, I realized that my baby sleeps better when I am next to him. Especially at night! So during the day, I leave him in the basinet …and at night, we move the thing to our bed. He sleeps right next to me…the phototherapy thingy above him. Lighting him fluorescent blue! 2 weeks! That’s how we sleep.

When we went home, the co-sleeping continues. Fast forward 10 months later, he still co-sleeping with us. Me and hubby. Of course he conquer 50% of the bed…another 50% for me and hubby….with hubby 45% and me 5%! Hahaha…just kidding... but yes! We still sleep together!

So what do I have? I have a very less cranky baby! I am serious. When me and husband are around, I can say it is easy to comfort him. Of course he does cry…that is how he communicate…

I hope this continues. I hope my baby and me continues to understand each other. 

Although I am preparing myself for his above 1 year tantrum…..finger-crossed!

But hey….our 1st year together has been so amazingly pleasant! Okay…pleasant enough… :P

p/s: here is the image on the joy of co-sleeping....