harapan hari tok
join walk-a-mile … p x jadi sbb hujan so mata pun terlelap lekak berniat tdo
kejap jak kejappppp jak lekak subuh….
nangga grey’s anatomy latest episode …. P x jadi juak sebab nya lom abiz
loading since lastnite. The internet connection is crazy slow and I can’t even
begin to say the frustration that I felt.
plan untuk cuci kereta, kemaskan laman rumah yang dah jadi macam secondary
forest and kol 10 patutnya ke damai sebab ada event with student. Masih pk mok
g ka sik. I am still very much sunburned from my last trip. So klak la decide.
I was browsing through Instagram and start to follow those who upload amazing
scenery pictures. Then I compared it with my own uploads. Unfortunately my
uploads was as boring as it can be with pictures of food, my bangles, more
food, beauty products and (fortunately) a bit of scenery.
(again) last week I heard a talk that enlightens the ethics on sharing
information on social network. Have you ever asked yourself why you say things
that you said on FB/Twitter and so on? Have you ever think that each time you
post something like, “coffee session at Starbucks Shibuya Crossing”, you
actually cause your haters to hate you more and you are actually hurting the
feelings of those who couldn’t afford such luxury? (Of course I am one of the crazies who LOVE to post everything online).
you heard about how when we are cooking something so tasty, and if our neighbors
can smell our cooking, we are supposed to share it with them, even just a
little? …. supaya jiran tak
guess it’s the same policy with our social network. Each time we want to post
something, ask our self why and is it necessary? Will it bring more pros or
finally and excerpt from "Rasul Mulia, Akhlak Mulia, Umat Mulia" ;