So a friend of mine...a close friend of mine ( :p)..recently visited my blog and that friend said that apparently I was not that private of a person.
It got me thinking and I asked myself, did I expose myself too much here? It worries me...
Gladly that friend told me, it's ok if I am comfortable with it...
Oh well...I am comfortable with it.
Most of the time when I shared my feelings and thought not just because I love to read my own post in the future (omaiiii.....self-narcissistic alert! hahaha)...but it is because I hope in I am helping others in one way or another
I've realized that the more open I am about life, the more certain I am that I am not the only one who is facing the problem, I am not the only one.
Of course this is by keeping in mind that I am keeping my true identity a secret....just a handful of people truly know who is the writer behind this rambling-blog-post...and luckily those are my friends and they are always welcome to give me feedback online as much as they did in real life.
and of course I make it real sure that i do not hummiliate anyone here if i did...i am sorry...tell me which post and if its relevant...i would immediately remove it
(prasan! macamla ramai reader kan! :p)
Oh well...maybe it's time to move my blog again....cuz I do need to keep my identity a secret! ;)