Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nasi Kunyit

I tried to make Pulut Kuning today. It was my second time. My first time was a success I think, at least it tasted yummy, perhaps unlike the usual Pulut Kuning, but it tasted good! That's the most important thing right?

Haha….truthfully I didn't know how exactly Pulut Kuning taste like. Somehow I've forgotten the taste. So I came up with this Nasi Kunyit instead. (I didn't name it Pulut Kuning cuz I think it would be unfair. :p)

So I want to share this with you guys.

You will need;

1 cawan beras

1 sudu makan serbuk kunyit

1 clove bawang putih

1 cawan susu segar (cairkan dengan ratio 9 susu:1 air)

Garam secukup rasa



Bancuh serbuk kunyit ke dalam air,(air secukupnya untuk meliputi beras)

Ketuk bawang putih, letak dalam rendaman beras tadi

Biarkan rendaman ini semalaman (atau at least 3 jam)

Masukkan susu dan garam secukupnya ke dalam rice cooker

Masukkan beras

Masak nasi seperti biasa

