Monday, May 18, 2009 hommies...

I miss my hommies…my sister are home and I miss hanging out with her….my elder sister is coming home soon enough and I really miss being with the two of them. I miss taking my sister to the clothes boutique and hearing her commenting on my lack sense in fashion…I miss my cousin… I miss having breakfast or lunch with her…I miss chatting with her and keep ourselves up-to-date with each other life…. I miss my younger brothers badly as well. I miss talking to them…I miss taking them out…I miss nagging at them…I miss laughing at their stupid jokes…. I miss my grandma…I miss spending the evening watching the Indonesian drama at her place…I miss bringing my grandpa buying groceries then ate mi kolok hj saleh….or eat kuew tiaw goreng at jnj….most of all…I miss my mum…and my dad…I miss my mum telling me what to do…I miss her cooking…I miss her homeopathy soups… I miss her midin belacan….I miss watching Oprah with her….or watching movies with her…I just miss her presence….and I badly miss my dad….I miss hearing his voice…I miss watching the grey hair on his head and think that ‘tua dah bapak eh’…I miss watching the news with my dad…I miss going to pasar minggu with him…I miss my family….I miss my home…I miss kiko..our fat lazy but superduper manja cat…I miss our pink room that I share with my sister…. I miss the Nissan car that I drove around for so many years…(and scratched it at so many places..hehe…sorry dad)…

God….I cant believe how homesick I am……