Wednesday, May 27, 2009
tgh menikmati rasa best....
tapi hari tok....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......nya madah camtok bila nangga result exp kamek....owh...nya senyum puas atie pasya nya kata,
'Very Beautiful Result'....
.....haha...being me...yang sangatla worry sepanjang masa...rasa sangat lega....nak kata puas atie gilak ya....sikla owh...sbab banyak gik benda kamek knak blaja....but for now...smangat utk work harder sangatlah tinggi.... ;)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
could be anything...
hmmm..apa dah kmk polah kat negara org for the last couple of weeks? biasa....hari2 pergi lab/ kelas...pasya berjalan2...memandangkan ada org brk beli kmk menumpang menikmati hidup berkereta d sitok... :p
..fuhh...kelas petang tadik punya la sebelah dah terangguk2..geleng2....p sensei dengan sabarnya mengajar...dah la subjek susah....glycoproteins....agak mok menangis juak la blaja benda tok....especially bila masuk part structure...sgala anomer,isomer,chiral centre dan yg related ngan nya smuanya ada....pening.... isk isk...mengapakah....
pasya kat lab...research kin hard feelings p kamek rasa sangat2 bertuah dpt molah research sitok...ngan alat yg lengkap...sangat best dan sangat puas atie.....supervisor pulak oxford university graduate....syukur gilak2 la.....kamek nang adore kmk pun supervisor la....dalam nya sik brapa sehat....p nya sangat pandai dan rajin....dan sangat-sangat humble.... g kitak org sciencedirect...type Misao Matsushita...ya la supervisor kmk yg sangat dhormati.. :)
pasya pengalaman nangga wayang yang sangat2 la mahal kat sitok...sigek tiket dalam rm30...haha...seriously la....hari ya nangga slumdog millionaire...nang best crita gilak2...sangat patut ditonton oleh smua...
by the way...nangga wayang sitok..hmmm..lainla...sidaknya sangat senyap....mun tgh tgk movie komedi...malaysian jakla terkekekkeke sia...sidaknya diammmm ajak...srius! nang sekdala nak dgr org terjerit2 berklaka ka masa nangga wayang....nang macam kita ajak sia...beza owh ngan kat tempat kita... :)...well bg kmk situasi ya ada best ada sik best nya....and mok nangga toilet sidak? tok gamba toilet kat tempat panggung wayang nok kamek g ria...sekda la baru pun....p toilet...fuh...ngalah toilet klia... :p
hmmm....bersih sik? nangga sendiri... ;) and trust me...its clean and dry and sik berbau langsung....
pasya apa gik? ooooo....i have to tell you this....kamek dah ada hp baru...ngeh ngeh ngeh...sangat happy.......p being me....kamek sik brani upload gamba hp kmk kat mana2......taboo... :p
p mun rajin nak nangga...klik link tok...kamek pun kaler coral pink...
best owh...hehe...kamek pun ke-excite-tan makei handphone tok agak tinggi la....ekceli kat sitok nektok tgh gila ngan iphone...sbab sidak molah sales iphone...nang turun harga sampey 50% rasanya......p memandangkan kmk agak kedekut nak bayar internet kat sik gnala mun kmk gna iphone...gik pun sik brapa suka ngan shape iphone sbnrnya...
so far ya la update d sitok.....kesimpulannya i'm pretty much enjoying my life here... ngeh ngeh ngeh...mari la ke sini.... ;)
have a nice day people! :D
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My place...
...bought new air freshener last week...and it smells nice nice nice....
...i also bought a toilet seat cover...and its pink...and i love it...its lovely lovely lovely... place is small....but nice...and i just love it....i thought my mum was a neat freak and i used to worry can i be as neat and tidy as her....gladly i am... ;) ...(...i miss my mum badly...)
i love my place....i arrange the things as i pleased...i can do anything as i pleased and i can mess it up the way i want...and later on tidy it up..the way i always love it....
...but its lonely....sunyi sunyi sunyi....
Just Breathe
Can you help me unravel my latest mistake,
I don't love him, winter just wasn't my season
Yeah we walk through the doors, so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to criticize,
Hypocrites, you're all here for the very same reason
'Cause you can't jump the track,we're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button girl,
So cradle your head in your hands
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breathe
May he turn 21 on the base at Fort Bliss
Just a day, he sat down to the flask in his fist,
Ain't been sober, since maybe October of last year.
Here in town you can tell he's been down for a while,
But my God it's so beautiful when the boy smiles,
Wanna hold him, maybe I'll just sing about it.
Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button boys,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breathe
There's a light at each end of this tunnel, you shout
'Cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out
These mistakes you've made, you'll just make them again
If you only try turning around.
2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, its no longer
Inside of me, threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to
Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button now
Sing it if you understand.
And breathe, just breathe
Woah breathe, just breathe,
Oh breathe, just breathe.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
wats wrong...
i'm down down...
i'm sick sick...
tried to be fine.....trying to be fine....god...what is wrong...
Monday, May 18, 2009 hommies...
I miss my hommies…my sister are home and I miss hanging out with her….my elder sister is coming home soon enough and I really miss being with the two of them. I miss taking my sister to the clothes boutique and hearing her commenting on my lack sense in fashion…I miss my cousin… I miss having breakfast or lunch with her…I miss chatting with her and keep ourselves up-to-date with each other life…. I miss my younger brothers badly as well. I miss talking to them…I miss taking them out…I miss nagging at them…I miss laughing at their stupid jokes…. I miss my grandma…I miss spending the evening watching the Indonesian drama at her place…I miss bringing my grandpa buying groceries then ate mi kolok hj saleh….or eat kuew tiaw goreng at jnj….most of all…I miss my mum…and my dad…I miss my mum telling me what to do…I miss her cooking…I miss her homeopathy soups… I miss her midin belacan….I miss watching Oprah with her….or watching movies with her…I just miss her presence….and I badly miss my dad….I miss hearing his voice…I miss watching the grey hair on his head and think that ‘tua dah bapak eh’…I miss watching the news with my dad…I miss going to pasar minggu with him…I miss my family….I miss my home…I miss kiko..our fat lazy but superduper manja cat…I miss our pink room that I share with my sister…. I miss the Nissan car that I drove around for so many years…(and scratched it at so many places..hehe…sorry dad)…
God….I cant believe how homesick I am……
I flew solo today
I may sound like I’m bragging…whatever…I am so tired but I miss posting something at my blog….so if I want to brag..let me be… :p
I did the experiment totally on my own today. I am pleased with myself since my supervisor seems pretty impressed with my work. For the past two weeks I’ve been learning from my lab mates and now I’m glad that I am capable of conducting the experiment on my own…of course with the guideline from my supervisor… ;)
It’s spring turning into summer and I find myself turning more and more tanned each day…huwargghhhhh…..that’s one of my primary concern right now…haha….but I am serious…keeps on trying to stay out of the sun and I am not surprise if people at my university label me as ‘the Malaysian with the pink umbrella’… :p
I walk to my lab almost (almost okay) everyday. If I have things to do at the lab, I’ll be there around 10am…have lunch between 12-1…come back to the lab after that and go home between 5-6 pm…and I am adapting to the fact that my lab mates really loves to spend their time in the lab although they have nothing to do…and I say that because they even watch videos on youtube at lab…and also because my senpai comes to the lab at 10 am and go home only after 10pm almost every single day…rajin gilaaaa…..I do respect him and I hope to get at least 50% of his rajin-ness. ;)
Been trying to loose weight…haha…I’m bored of hearing that as well. What really pissed me off is that, I eat so little lately…trust me…so little compared to what I gobble down back in Malaysia but still I’m not loosing weight…isk….not mentioning the fact that I rarely drinks carbonate drinks here…not even sweet drinks…ice-cream only 3-4 times since I arrived here….knaklaaaaa…..isk….
Whatever la owh…I’m tired…. Nite people…or should I say….oyasumi~
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Terlanjur Cinta - Rossa
Artis/Penyanyi: Rossa feat Pasha (Ungu)
Waktu bergulir
Lambat merantai langkah perjalanan kita
Berjuta cerita terukir dalam
Menjadi sebuah dilema
Mengertikah engkau
Perasaanku tak terhapuskan
Malam menangis
Tetes embun membasahi mata hatiku
Mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
Cinta yang tlah rapuh
Apa yang ku genggam
Tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan
Aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
Dan tlah kuberikan seluruh hatiku
Tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan cintaku
Aku pun tak mengerti yang terjadi
Apa salah dan kurangku padamu
Kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
Karna sekali cinta, aku tetap cinta….
Mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
Cinta yang tlah rapuh
Apa yang ku genggam
Tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan…
(Ulang Korus)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Saya Mahu Ini Diamalkan Di Tempat Kita.
(knak benda tok perlu? prevent sexual harassment!!!)
(dari tadika cikgu dah ajar supaya berbaris bagus2..amalkannya kat tempat2 camtok...e.g masa nak naik train or naik bas..yes bas awam!)
sigek gik,(tiada dalam gambar) masa train dah sampai, benarkan orang kluar dolok...baru masuk...bila masuk, ekot line..jangan berebut...
...aman hidup d sitok eh...
kamek tanyak ngan sumber boleh dpercayai, camney sidak atasan leh implement benda tok ngan nya madah...biasanya ada org complain, e.g pasal sexual harassment dalam train...pasya akan dikeluarkan arahan dr pihak berkenaan untuk asingkan cars utk perempuan dan lelaki masa rush hour...pasya benda tok akan di bincang dalam talk-show sidak...public berik respons...bila nampak ok...then benda ya di implement...dan dari pemerhatian kamek sidak nang ekot arahan d beri....lalu terhasillah keadaan yang menyenangkan smua pihak...
hmmm....i wish PM Najib read my he can implement such things in Malaysia....huhu
Monday, May 4, 2009
Golden Week, Restaurant City and Malaysia!
Kat Jepun, once a year, ada Golden Week (or Goreden Wik..hahaha….cara sidak sebut agak lain bah … :p ). Anyway, it’s a series of public holiday within that one week. Contohnya tahun tok Golden Week terdiri daripada Showa Day (April 29th), Constitution Memorial Day (May 3rd), Greenery Day (May 4th) and Children's Day (May 5th) (quoted from my friend’s blog). Walaupun Showa Day ya macam agak lari dari deretan hari2 ya…p memandangkan sidak Tokai Univ gila cuti(hehe...ya terms kmk)…so sidak bawak cuti Showa Day ya ke 1 May…so terhasillah cuti dari 1 May-5 May. ;)
Ya la sedikit latar belakang pasal Goreden Wik! Hehe…kmk ska main ya sbab bila bukak tv ada jak sidak sebut perkataan ya. Seems like they are quite obsessed with this…kmk kata giya sbab banyak offer2 kat shopping complex masa tok. Maybe sbab kebetulan tok dah masuk spring and summer soon…so tiba masa utk sidak tukar sidak pun pakaian dr winter clothing to summer clothing… ;)...Best juak owh mun ada 4 season..
Pasya jalan raya pun jammed ala2 masa warga kl nak balit kpg...ya la tek Golden Week...
Sesapa yg ada facebook kmk, tauk betapa obsesnya kmk ngan game tok. Sesapa yg mati kutu sik tauk apa nak polah kat rumah ya, mainlah game tok. It’s a social-game. Means kitak orang knak ada ramey kawan yg main game tok, baru snang nak naik level.
Kamek sangat obsess ngan game tok sejak beberapa hari lepas, kmk rasa kebetulan ngan GoredenWik dan kmk pulak lom menerima ‘pocket-money’ untuk berjalan(isk isk isk)…anyway…sbab ya la kamek mala d rumah dan membuang masa bermain game tok. Heh heh…best aih…
Cukup obsess sampey kmk surf sidak pun forum and baca camney nak main dgn terer nya…dan dari sia juakla kmk blaja kita leh polah kita pun fb profile private, even drpd kawan2 kita sendiri. Contohnya nak, kitak org ada engkah education info kitak org.. P mok kazen mazen kitak org dlm fb jak dapat nangga…sik mok kawan2 lain nangga…so kitak org leh atur setting nya….ada la caranya…g ke settings>privacy setting…
Anyway..tokla gamba restaurant kmk tek….
Pet Society pulak..memang dah lamak kamek addicted...dulu kini dan selamanya.. :)
Ala-ala source of happiness kamek la Pet Society tok....mari tengok gamba...
meet pinkie....tokla sayang kamek dalam Pet Society ya....cute owh....lebih cute bila kamek 'nemu'nya stiap pagi...nya akan melompat2 happy....happy jak rasa nangga... :)
...bilit mandik pinkie... room nya...
Mun berminat…kmk leh aja camney… ;)
Tajuk kecik tok pulak berasal dari incident kat youtube. Baru2 tok dapat link dr sorang kawan pasal sigek video kat youtube. Masalahnya bukan video ya…p masalahnya komen2 terhadap video ya. Entah camney, sik pasal2, sorang peng-komen tok menganok org Sarawak dan bahasa
Ntah owh…kamek akui yg memang ‘semangat sarawak’ org Sarawak nang kuat…p sigek la…dalam kita sayang Sarawak…ingat yang kita smua Malaysian…..iboh klaie k….sayang sayang sayang Sarawak…sayang sayang sidak bukan Sarawak juak… ;) …saling sayang-menyayangi bah.... *kenyit-kenyit mata* …heh heh
Lastly…salam takziah kpd smua d atas pemergian Pn.Sri Laila Taib….smoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat… (mun salah title d beri harap maafkan…huhu)
eh...sik la last gilak tek..tok brk last ...eheh...kan tok bulan smua kawan2 kmk yg jadi pendidik...kmk ucapkan Slamat Hari Guru...ya la pekerjaan yang paling mulia..yang penting ikhlas! ;)
Pasya...Selamat Hari Ibu....juga kepada kawan2 nok dah bergelar ibu....besar tanggungjawab ya eh...p ingatla...ibu paling tauk apa makna sayangkan anak! ;) ...nok belom ya...bah...bila agik? iboh lupak menjemput k....insya Allah kamek datang...mun ada rezeki... ;)
Slamat bercuti kengkawan! :)