Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It is as hectic as always.

I woke up at 3.30am…just to be late to work as usual!

As busy as I am at school for the last couple of weeks, I started to enjoy my work more. I guess it's because I don't have the stress of trying so hard to teach students that don't even know why they are in school. It's stressful and really frustrating.

The 'prize-giving' ceremony is so soon, so most of us are busy with that. Not mentioning that we have dinner that night. Despite the fact that my mind is so crowded with so many things, my back ache from the long hours in front of the laptop and all the changes from here and there, I like my job now. I think I'm more suited to be in the management.

Erk….i can't even manage my time efficiently…huhuhu… :P

p/s: Happy graduation Kids! (kids?hehehe)