Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cikgu Fiela

Went to the bank today, to cash my cheque (erk…don't worry…its just a small sum of money..heh heh…)…when suddenly the guy at the counter said this to me, " cikgu kah?" I was so surprised but I just smile widely and nod.

All the time I'm at the counter, I keep on asking myself, is it that obvious? Is it written on my forehead that I'm a teacher? I don't mind people know me that I'm a teacher now, I just didn't like it when I am so predictable and read-able (heh heh…new word for the day).

Oh well… I am still asking myself, how do people know that I'm a teacher? This is not the first time. Isk…

Oh by the way, as I was walking away from the counter, the guy said, "makseh cikgu"….hahaha…. I do get that a lot lately. :P