Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mr. Know It All

Ever heard on Hitz.Fm about how much we are wasting our energy on petty stuff like gossiping and getting angry at another driver on the road or something like that?

In other words how we sometimes tend to care over stuff that we shouldn’t have acknowledge at all in the first place.

Lately such thing has been playing on my mind.

It’s easy to get angry at another driver when they overtake us so carelessly like they are the only driver on the road…but for me, its only for a split second … then I am back to my normal self…singing happily to myself.

My question is, what about when I told a friend about that incident later?

e.g a driver is driving so carelessly and he almost crashed into me as I was driving to work. Once at the office, I ran into a colleague and the first thing I told her was how I almost get into an accident…

So my question is, do that means I haven’t let go of the incident?

This is the petty stuff…

There are larger stuff that sometimes people TOLD me that I haven’t let it go… and I would just stare at them, deep inside I asked myself…how on earth can this people tell me what I ‘feel’?

But I am too polite to tell them to STOP TELLING ME WHAT I FEEL …and I just let them say what they want...but more than once I lost my cool and I told them flat to stop doing what they are doing…that would leave them speechless and so far I haven’t regret telling them … sure … that would create a barrier between us but at least they finally realized that they didn’t know everything…especially when it comes to other’s feeling…

Come on people…that is not emotionally intelligent…that is PUTTING WORDS in other’s mouth… and being me…I wanna say my own words at my own tone at my own time…

NUFF said….

Friday, February 17, 2012

Walk the talk, talk the walk

usually my posts are based on my readings, discussions or sometimes my own experience...which is just a pinch...i know....

most of the time i reread my posts during my leisure time without the need for me to re-digest the content all over again.

lately few incidents in my life makes me 'terduduk'....and a voice tells me... it is time for u to walk the talk....

this is the time when nothing can help me except for the matter how trivial it may seems before...

and true enough...more often than not...when i tried to solve a problem, there are times when my mind goes matter how hard i tried to is just blank....that’s when i can i digest something when there is nothing?

moral of the story is, learn like u gonna live forever....pray like u gonna die tomorrow ....n ask the right question to the right person at the right time....insya Allah....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

sedapnya rojak

lamak x molah post dalam bahasa ibunda
gago nak improve klaka omputeh
sik sedar bahasa ibunda semakin di rojakkan
sayang seribu kali sayang

lastweek dgr dalam radio, mcm ney seorang professor dari sebuah universiti di Korea prihatin terhadap semakin pupusnya penggunaan tulisan jawi. ini boleh menyebabkan tulisan jawi lenyap dari muka bumi....

keyword: korea, jawi

macam xbrp padan. tapi yalah kenyataannya. org luar lebih sayangkan budaya kita sendiri.

sigek lagik situasi

seorang penyelidik di mardi (kalau xsilap) telah berjaya menyediakan kit bagi mengesan kehadiran unsur porcine di dalam satu2 jenis makanan (or something like that). dan penyelidik tersebut bukanlah beragama islam (kalau xsilap lagi)....

keyword: porcine, halal, non-muslim


something to ponder about....

kalaulah kita Islam bukan sekadar di IC, insya Allah kita insan maju...insan berjaya...

dengarlah ceramah2 agama, bacalah buku2 yang mengajar kita menjadi muslim sempurna, baru kita sedar betapa seciputnya sebenarnya ibadah kita selama ini....dan kenapa muslim/melayu secara amnya kurang berjaya...sebab kita ni alang2...smua alang2....sayangkan?mengeluh bukan main...salahkan sistem pentadbiran...salahkan pemimpin...salahkan rakan sekerja...
salahkan diri sendiri ade x?


Friday, February 3, 2012

Been a while

My last post was on January 12th 2012

I don’t have much to say

Slowly I realized something… aren’t I’m afraid of my own writings? …on how it will effect others?! Especially the weak ones…

So I am taking my sweet time to learn more and more before I dare to post anything serious after this. Even this post can cause me trouble later...i hope is so not my intention...

Anyway…for the past couple of months it has been about finding myself (sounds serious I know!) but what I meant was it is about learning and learning some more about so many things I’ve overlook before. I hope all of us are doing the same.

Someone said, “kalau umur ni pun u masih tak sedar kelemahan you sendiri, pathetic la.”

I couldn’t agree more. Someone said 30 is the ‘optimum’ age. They said “life begins at 30”… 4 more years and there I will be…so yerp…lets prepare ourselves for our ‘30’…

Okey…on the other hand, there has been one thing that has been playing on my mind for the last couple of days.

It is actually wrong to think that we are better than someone else.

Even if that someone has done something so awfully wrong (like a murder or something)…it is still wrong to think that we are better than they are.

More often than not we said/ hear someone said, “tau la aku x bla bla bla….but at least aku bla bla bla…”….spot on!

That is exactly how it all begins!

That is the exact example when we actually thought that we are better than the other person!

So friends, be careful of what you say…its awful enough to think that way…it is actually worse if we say it out loud…cermin diri dulu sebelum berkata2…kalau insan semulia Rasullullah pun merendahkan diri..apatah lagi kita yg serba hina ni? Right?

Allah lebih mengetahui… ;)

p/s: RT altimet: “Orang terambil kasut aku kat masjid tadi. Panas hati aku. Probably did something to deserve this.”


Instead of blaming others, he reflect on himself. So should we. Jangan terlalu mengangkat diri sendiri hinggakan kesalahan org lain je yg kita nampak dan hinggakan kesalahan sendiri di depan mata pun kita tak sedar…

Again….you guys know better! :)