Saturday, March 20, 2010

denny denny denny

when denny die, izzie cries by his cold dead body. Sobbing so badly....she is hurting real bad...its like wanting something so bad but u cant have it...but u want it so badly it hurts ur heart...n i mean u can really feel the pain...

then she stop crying, confess to chief webber and then she lay on the bathroom floor. feeling so numb she is unable to pull herself up...its like u need to gather your strength to do something really there are times when u know u need to get out of bed, but ur body is so tired, ur mind is telling urself again n again to get out of bed...but u find yourself unable to move...u need to suck it all in....gather all the strength u have and get out of bed...

if what happen to izzie is real...i know exactly how she feels...exactly though no-one died...but there is a piece of me that died...dying...

i never knew i can feel this numb...emotionally numb....i know i am sad cuz i am crying...i know i am stressed cuz my body just so tired day in day out with out any obvious reason....i know i am angry cuz i find myself wanting to scream my lungs out...i know i am so broken-hearted cuz i would sarcastically laugh at any i-love-u-u-love-me situation....

i am taking the final break before sucking it all up and concentrate on my study alone. there is nothing i want even more than completing my study and be back home with my loving family and friends.....