Monday, March 29, 2010


...masa kat labuan lok...kmk pnah tanyak lecturer matriks kmk, knak tisu sik d recycle...

mun d pk2 nak, pernah sik ktk org nangga tisu d recycle? sik pnah nak? sedangkan kita sangat lah banyak menggunakan tisu....tisu muka lah owh....tisu tandas ya...ermmm...mun nak recycle, jadi baja jak...iskhhh...

ya lecturer kmk madah...nang la bna tisu banyak d gna n possible utk d recycle...tapi kos nak recycle ya lebih tinggi dr kos polah bagus polah baru...kan? hmmm...mari pk sama2....

kat jepun tok...sangatlah banyak menggunakan tissue....sangat banyak...based on a survey done.... penggunaan tisu oleh rakyat jepun adalah 2 kali ganda lebih banyak dpd penggunaan tisu d negara2 lain spt amerika...

no wonder lah juak....after all tissue mula2 skali d perkenalkan kat jepun sekitar abad (century abad nak?) ke-17...pada masa ya, sidaknya menggunakan tissue utk 'blow their nose'...

then sidak omputeh mengikut idea tok and tisu sidak d kenali sbg kleenex (facial tissue), it was said that the kleenex was invented by Kimberly Clark...sebenarnya kimberly tok pun idea adalah menggunakan tisu untuk membersihkan cold-cream (yg ktk org pakei utk bersihkan make-up..pakei ponds pun best! eheh...)...even iklan2 d tv pun menunjukkan penggunaan kleenex oleh artis2 hollywood utk membersihkan make-up ... customer yg mula memandai2 (:p) guna kleenex 'to blow your nose'. (wikipedia,2010)

by the way...berbalit kpd crita kita....kat jepun tok banyak gilak tisu...sangat banyak...sidak suka edarkan flyers plus tissue...ya taktik sidak sak kita ambik iklan sidak kot...dan nya sangat effective...esp utk kmk..haha...mun kmk berjalan2 kat shinjuku la trutamanya...mun ada org tgh edarkan flyers kat tepi2 kaki lima ya, kmk akan nangga dari jauh, ada tisu skali sik sidak berik...mun ada baruk kmk g dekat2 sidak, sik kisahlah sidak tgh iklankan apa nak..ngeh ngeh...sidak berik tissue nok pocket-tissue ya...ala...nok kecik2 ya bah...biasanya djual 20sen kat toilet2 ya...
dan sidak yg edarkan tissue plus flyers tok sangatlah ramei kat shinjuku sampeikan marek kmk padah camtok ngn kawan kmk,
'kalo stok tisu kat rumah dah abiz kan, g jer pusing shinjuku nie...kompem cukup stok utk sebulan.'

heh heh...p sriusly la....benda tok menyebabkan kmk merasakan jepun adalah negara kaya (nang jak pun)...n negara kita adalah negara membangun! ;)

ya ajak leteran kmk malam tok.... have a great life people....

Saturday, March 27, 2010

this is a reminder

...u never kno wat u've got till its gone...

...ya sama erti ngn xtau bersyukur...

...bila dah hilang baru nak tercari2...

...oh...mengapakah x blajar dari yang lepas?...

and another thing...


Friday, March 26, 2010

Wajib Tonton

1. Hachi: A Dog's Story (2009)

wajib tonton mun rs mok bersedih-sedihan....crita hachi ya...hurmmmsss...kmk nangis dr 1/3 crita ya...sampei la abiz....

...crita the blind side pulak sangat deep...crita nya simple n direct...p deep...mengajar erti bersyukur dgn apa yg kita ada... ;)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Some girls are in love with the person who loves them back…pure happiness

Some girls are in love with the person who pretends to love her…sympathetic

Some girls are in love with the person who don’t even know her existence…pathetic

Some guys love her and protect her and she loves him back … lucky guy

Some guys love her but she loves someone else … sympathetic

Some guys love her but hurt her in the end … pathetic

sudah kah saya gila?

ya sudah gila saya

...apa makna sayang?...

"... I'm still in love with her, and to me that means that I want nothing more than for her to be happy in life. I want that more than anything. It's all I've ever wanted for her."
_nicholas spark_

"syg for me means. u never care about how u feel, as long as ur loved one is happy and never wanna see her sad. it's all about her happiness. it's all the happy glitters in her eyes that matter the most. even tho she never knew u syg her that much. after all, syg can never been described by words. words are not enough."

"...-that love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you faces might be."
_nicholas spark_

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My Dearest,
I’ve missed you very, very much since that last night we were together, and will hold that night especially in my memories for years to come. I’ve been turning it over and over in my mind lately.
I’ve read your letter through at least four times, and will probably read it more times before I’m through. I’ve been sitting here, looking at your picture and getting more homesick every minute. I’ve wanted that picture more than anything else I know of, except, of course, you yourself.
I keep thinking of you, Darling, keep wishing I could be home with you. I want to leave in the worst possible way so I can come home to see you, but things don’t look so good on that subject. But this war has spoiled a lot of things for everyone, I guess.
I’ve never been so lonesome in my life as I am right now. I’m completely lost without you, Darling. I never realized I could miss any one person so much. I just hope it won’t be too much longer until I’m able to be with you again… and live a sane and normal life.

_blink 182_

life oh life

dear blog..

for the last couple of weeks, it has been about me feeling down down down...

oh life is really hard on me...but it is time like this when the angels in my life reappear n appear n give me support n love n advice. i never knew i had so many people cared about me before. n its them, the angel who makes me want to snap-out from this deprression that i feel, s soon s possible before it completely destroyed my life. like my mum said, life is too short to be suffering like this.

i am calm when i m close to god...i am calm most of the time when i m in public..but i wince when i see wedding dresses or anything that has to do with wedding... i cried when i look in the mirror... like christina yang said, me so sad. :p

oh life is giving me lesson the hard way...but i am lucky to be taught this way...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

denny denny denny

when denny die, izzie cries by his cold dead body. Sobbing so badly....she is hurting real bad...its like wanting something so bad but u cant have it...but u want it so badly it hurts ur heart...n i mean u can really feel the pain...

then she stop crying, confess to chief webber and then she lay on the bathroom floor. feeling so numb she is unable to pull herself up...its like u need to gather your strength to do something really there are times when u know u need to get out of bed, but ur body is so tired, ur mind is telling urself again n again to get out of bed...but u find yourself unable to move...u need to suck it all in....gather all the strength u have and get out of bed...

if what happen to izzie is real...i know exactly how she feels...exactly though no-one died...but there is a piece of me that died...dying...

i never knew i can feel this numb...emotionally numb....i know i am sad cuz i am crying...i know i am stressed cuz my body just so tired day in day out with out any obvious reason....i know i am angry cuz i find myself wanting to scream my lungs out...i know i am so broken-hearted cuz i would sarcastically laugh at any i-love-u-u-love-me situation....

i am taking the final break before sucking it all up and concentrate on my study alone. there is nothing i want even more than completing my study and be back home with my loving family and friends.....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Addison: [drunk] I've decided that I'm gonna get really fat. Just as a stop gap, just until I figure out another plan. Eat all of these muffins and I'm gonna get really gloriously fat! It's over. Over. Ooover. I'm talking about the last 1/3 of my life Miranda. How can that be just over. How can that just end? Over a skinky pair of panties and bad tux."

_Grey's Anatomy S03E02_

Thursday, March 11, 2010


grief maybe a thing we all have in common
but it look different on everyone

it isn't just death we have to grief
its life
its lost
its change

and when we wonder why it had to suck so much sometimes
has to hurt so bad
the thing we got to try to remember is that it could turn on a dime

that's how you stay alive
when it hurt so much you can't breath
that's how you survive

and remembering that one day
somehow and possibly
it won't feel this way
it won't hurt this much

grief comes in its own time for everyone
in its own way

so the best we can do
the best anyone can do
is try for honesty

the really crappy thing
the very worst part of grief
is that you can't control it

the best we can do is try to let our self feel it when it comes
and let it go when we can

the very worst part is that
the minute you thought you're over it
it start all over again

and always
every time
it takes your breath away

there are 5 stages of grief
they look different on all of us
but there are always 5

_Grey's Anatomy S06E01_

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Live Like You're Dying

One of these days you'll be
under the covers, you'll be
under the table and you'll realize.

That all of your days are numbered;
all of them one to one hundred.
All of them millions.
All of them trillions.
So what are you gonna do with them all?
You can not trade them in for more...

No no

Take every moment; you know that you own them.
It's all you can do, use what's been given to you.

Give me a reason to
fight the feeling
that there's nothing here for me.

Cause none of its easy,
I know it wasn't meant to be.
I know it's all up to me.
It's all up to me.
So what am I gonna do with my time?


Ill take every moment, I know that I own them.
It's all up to you to do whatever you choose.

Live like you're dying and never stop trying.
It's all you can do, use what's been given to you.

All of the moments you didn't notice;
gone in the blink of an eye.
And all of the feelings you couldn't feel
no matter how you try.

Oh oh

Take every moment; you know that you own them.
It's all up to you,
to do whatever you choose.

Live like you're dying and never stop trying.
It's all you can do, use what's been given to you.

Live like you're dying and never stop trying.
It's all up to you, use what's been given to you.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

...mok nangga.....
...last year masa nangga title nya...kmk nang dah mok nangga....
...tok bila kmk find-out shah rukh khan sangat handsome dlm movie tok....lagikla kmk mok nangga.....
....jom g nanggaaaaaaaa.........
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check out the playcount for 'Fireflies' by Owl City....

178 times...

i purchased this song on 28 feb at 11.34 pm...

the song is 3.8 mins long...

178 X 3.8mins = 676.4 mins = 11.2733333 hours

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010


kat klia

wifi klia leh dguna for 2 hours reti ya kmk pn xtauk n xkisah memandangkn in less than that kmk akan duduk kat dlm belon dgn hrpn ada abg steward or kakak stewardess yg sweet n rajin melayan kmk....

kmk tgh nahan rs nk beli cincin. cincin yg sgt mahal compare dgn kemampuan kmk n keperluan kmk terhadap cincin ya.

kmk meli buku dear john by nicholas spark tek. crk the wedding...p kedey ya sekda stok indah...mph yg kecik bah...ney gaya...p kakak cashier nya kacak...kdak muka kak nana pjn...dahla bait gila...suka kmk eh.

kaki kmk sakit sbb kmk makei heels. kmk omoz beli kasut baru tek.p ngenang kasut berlambak kat rmh, kmk xjd beli.

ada columbian-guy yg hensem mntk tlg kmk tek. nya sik pandey gna public phone sitok bah...kmk pun tolong nya...n rs best kejap sbb nya senyum kat kmk n madah tengkiu....

kmk rindu bapak kmk...nya sik anta kmk kat airport tek.sbb nya outstation... :(

n kmk dh rindu mak wawan yan kak iza n ieka.....

down eh....harus kmk meli cincin ya owh....

bye...kmk nak g membazir duit......

cuz itz life

1. kmk ngantok...tgh nangga tattoo hunter wiv my brother...beg lom kemas...makanan nk d embak pun lom dbeli...adoh adoh.

2. pastok knak klua. g embak my brothers makan sbb kmk dh janji ngn sidak. g bank. g money changer. g kedey.

3. malas gilos nak balit aritok. p keja berlambak2 kotan lamak gilak cuti. stress mula terasa.

4. kmk terharu ngn support dr family n friends...sidaknya ngaja kamek yang things sik perlu jadi sekomplikated n se-painful yg kmk pk...

5. n keadaan tok juak ngaja kmk, org sikkan jg kita mun kita sik jaga diri kita sendiri. my whole life, kmk lebih senang pentingkan org lain dpd diri kmk sendiri. kmk akan rs bersalah later mun kmk sik molah camya. p bila perlu, that very same person sikkan sanggup do the same thing for me. kmk dah berdepan ngn situasi tok berkali kali.

kamek doakan kmk akan jadi stronger...kmk doakan semua kita b stronger n mampu teruskan hidup yg lebih baik no matter apa yg terjadi.

...sumone tgh suffer sbb dpt brain infection...

...sumone tgh suffer sbb dpt blood infection...

...sumone living in fear n knak polah check up every 3 months sbb ada tumor...

...sumone somwhere is suffering more than we r...just be stronger and believe that tuhan sikkan nguji kita mun kita sik mampu menghadapinya....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Almost- Bride

camtok semenanya kisah pengantin sik jd ya....

last saturday, i went to btu. when i was there i met one of my long-distance aunt....btul ka sik term long distance ya eh...adoi...bau bau bacang bah...hehe...
after a while, she asked me my name. so i told her, "fiela"...then she said, "ohhh...kakak kitak lah nok d jepun ya?"

my face drop...deep inside i sensed wat this is about...

noticing my silence, my cousin who is standing next to me quickly said," nyatoklah nok d jpn ya ci.'. we call our aunts 'caci' n our uncle 'caca'.

her face change and she muttered under her breath,"ohhh kitak lah pengantin sik jadi ya"...

at that moment, i wanna disappear. dont blame me if i refuse to face such situation. but at the same time, it tickles me to realized that i have a new nickname, ' pengantin sik jadi' . :p 'caci' quickly come near me and hug me tight...saying comforting words, saying things will be alright...all i have to do is bersabar. then she release me and took both of my hand into hers and look me straight in the eye and say," jaga maruah diri. jaga maruah mak bapak. semoga selamat semuanya.'
her words carved on my heart...i played it over and over again and i will always play it over and over again.

i shared this story,( in my broken grammar :p ), anyway...i shared this story to remind all of us that families are what matter. some may hurt us, but the rest of them will comfort us at the end of the day.

i was lectured about 'xperlu malu pasal benda camtok' mum thought me to be strong all my life and such lecture from someone who always thought the worst of me, is very much NOT needed..

my point is, in life, maybe we refuse to be supportive for one reason or another, n in my case, i respect that. i dont expect everyone to come near me and hug me tight or give me the comfort words or such. but in the same time, i do wish that people dont trash-talk me behind my back...or not even in my face...dont trash-talk me....esp if you dont know the details....or even if you do know the detail...just dont trash-talk people...

i am someone who believe in karma so strongly...what goes around comes around....

p/s: dear wedding that was schedule middle of this year, was postpone to sometime in the future...d hayat lain yg dh plan n dah bli tiket ke kch,pdh jak ngn kmk...klak kita plan something... ;) ...and bagi yg antara tauk sik tauk ya, jgn berkecik atie...kmk dlm proses 'menyeruk' kengkawan kmk ms kes tok kiranya ktk org lom sempat d-seruk...huhu...jomm kita looking forward utk wedding kawan2 kita yg lain pulak.... ;)