Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer Holiday

Finally its summer…well…not really summer since it still rains…but the undergrad students started their holiday this week. No holiday for me though….master student…hmpphhh….

Luckily our building will be closed for maintenance next week…so that gives us one week break. I badly need to stop the urge to go home since there's one week break next week. If I have a plane…I would fly home…definitely.

It is so unbelievably hot for the last couple of days, especially when it's not raining. Each time I *sigh* about the heat, I would remember my Geography teacher telling us about the extreme weather that most island have. Well…Japan is an island after all.

Yesterday receive a notice from my sensei telling me that I have TOIEC on September. Wow…I didn't even register for it. But it's a good thing, since I need to take the exam anyhow.

Since yesterday I tried to hack this game on the social network that I am using… LOL… not giving you the detail since it can be bad for me… :p But it doesn't work so sik kesah la nak… ;)

My weight seems to maintain ever since it drop to 3 kg before. Whatever…it doesn't really bother me since I am not putting an effort to lose more weight.

Ohh….how could I forget this…I went to watch the firework last weekend. I was so excited the whole time. Apparently the nihonjin celebrates summer with the firework display…wearing their yukata n jinbei and look so cute (especially young couples..hehe)… Lucky for me since I love the firework so much and I plan to drag my fiancé to every firework display, as much as we can go… … ;)

I am officially getting older soon…tried to get it out of my mind though… :(

Night people!

If you have diarrhea… muscle ache…your head spinning…you have flu…..go straight to the nearby clinic! Once it has been 2 days, no drug can save you…it's all up to your body immune system! So better be safe than sorry! ;)