Wednesday, January 21, 2009



There are two things (apart from other bigger things) that keep on bothering my mind today. One is body-weight. And the other is trust.


Ironically, someone text me today and asked me how can I trust a guy. Literally, I am known as a girlfriend who trusts her boyfriend enough to let him went out with his girl-friends.


I didn't snoop around my boyfriend's email inbox or check his hand-phone for any suspicious text-message. If I heard any rumors, I ask him, after rationalize myself. ( Well, if the rumors is too big for me to handle and its from a reliable sources and true enough to be called 'news' or 'facts', I don't give myself a chance to rationalize. Huhu)


The thing is, when we love someone, and we decide to have a relationship with him, we should also consider this. Do we trust him? In my opinion, if we don't trust that guy (and refuse to trust him), but yet we decide to start a relationship with him, we might be creating pain for both of us. Its either we start to trust him as much as we love him, or just walk-away.


However, if we are destined to fall in love (and completely trust) with a complete liar, then we just have to accept our destiny. When the truth is out, make a wise decision. Either you stay and accept his lies, or walk-away for a better chance in life.


Till then….. 'Love honestly'…


p/s: I walked-away… :P