Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Just Like Me
- Loves to joke. ...sometimes...i do crack a joke...but i am not the joker..
- Attractive. ...tengkiu...tengkiu... :P
- Suave and caring. ...ehik....*ketawa sambil menutup mulut*
- Brave and fearless. ...i am...
- Firm and has leadership qualities. ...i am not that firm...not anymore..huhu
- Knows how to console others. ...aminnn...
- Too generous and egoistic. comment about too generous...p egoistic ya nang la..eheh
- Takes high pride in oneself. ...uhuk uhuk...*batuk jak*
- Thirsty for praises. ...sapa sik? :p...haha...mintak puji kali nak?..huhuhu
- Extraordinary spirit. ... :)
- Easily angered. ..agak senang lah...
- Angry when provoked. ...agak betul...suka nak madah dirik betul wp kdg2 sik betul gilak..hmmmm
- Easily jealous. ...i am...p cpat juak ilang...
- Observant. n learn...
- Careful and cautious. ...careful ka mun byk bruises?isk...seriously la..sama ada knak myk masak ka...terlanggar meja ka...terlanggar pintu ka..terlepas brg ka...huwaaa...clumsy eh..
- Thinks quickly. ...too quickly it is bad sometimes...
- Independent thoughts. ...i am a leo....roar...haha
- Loves to lead and to be led. ..sangat tepat...patut jd pm..lead the country...p ada sultan di atas... :P ..hahaha....jk
- Loves to dream. ...angan2 owh....dr angan2 la kita bercita2...
- Talented in the arts, music and defense. ...lom discovered kot...ngeh ngeh ngeh
- Sensitive but not petty. ...hmmm...
- Poor resistance against illnesses. ...dolok sik...p sjak d sitok..mala sakit palak la..sakit kaki la..sakit perut la...sakit blakang la...isk isk...
- Learns to relax. ...suruh kmk relax ka? i am trying...
- Hasty and trusty. ..sangat tepat...share la your secrets...i love secrets..and i promise you wont hear about it ever least not from me.. ;)
- Romantic. ...dengar ya....ROMANTIK... ayu.. :P
- Loving and caring. .....its in me...
- Loves to make friends. ...can be friendly...sumtimes....
...lucky to be here...
..ntah knak owh...kmk bangun pagi tadik and rasa camya....
...bangun2 masak air...polah nescaffe...bukak langsir...nangga luar(hari tok hujan)...tapi luar sangat cantik.....pokok2 dah hijau...macam d malaysia....mun sik hujan..biasanya ada bunyi burung2...sangat permai...senyum ngan diri sendiri.....(tolak bunyi burung gagak la...heh heh...)...
...bukak fb..main restaurant city..pasya pet society....pasya surf blog sendiri...tgk gamba bunga2 ya balit....rasa bertuah gilak untuk berada d sitok...
...wp kmk masih in trouble...sbab visa lom settle...huwaaaaa.....p kmk mok tolak benda ya jauh2..sbab kmk dah coba sedaya upaya...and sekda apa yg dapat kmk polah buat masa skarang...hmmmm....
i'm lucky to be here...thank you for all the helps and supports....kitak orang tauk sapa yg menolong...sapa yg sik men-support... :p
friends.....mun mauk...try lah sambung d oversea..lain rasanya....kmk ada g sigek interview before tok...and bknalan ngan sorang tok...(malangnya lupak mintak contact number..huhu)...anyway...nya macam kita...deg d msia...p nya tgh berusaha nak sambung oversea..and she stands alone...nya padah d kl...sumting sounds like maybach ka apa....this place provide profesional consultation mun kitak org nak sambung master oversea...pasya carik scholarship/loan....and you'll be here ...nangla bunyi kmk klaka cam snang...wp susah...p mun mauk...its worth the try... ;) ...ask around k...carik d internet ka....but make sure it is certified by our gov...
owh...i have nothing against the local universities...i love my UNIMAS me...they are good as the lecturers I have here....they all have their field of experties....enough said. :D matter where you not 4get to stop and smell the flowers.....esp rose...sbab bau rose paling nyaman bah...heh heh
...happy weekends...
Friday, April 24, 2009
...nothing much...
...straight ahead you can see the building where my lab is is the building on the left side of the screen...
...toklah pokok sakura...after about 10 days of fully-blooming...kelopak bunga sakura akan mula gugur (macam snow..heh heh)...pasya the leaves will start to grow..
...this is the road i walk along almost everyday...dari rumah ke university...straight jak...about 10 minutes.. nangga pokok pink ya...kacak owh...
...antara vending-machine (macam salah spelling jak eh...hmm)...anyway...antara vending-machine tempat kmk slalu menabung...sitok nang banyak...very convenient..tapi bahaya utk org macam kmk...suka air manis bah...huhu
...tok kedei 24hours ala2 7eleven...tempat kmk agak slalu menabung juak...heh heh...
dan lain2 source of happiness... :)
(bagilah saya sekuntum bunga setiap hari...bunga awak petik di tepi jalan pun takper..asalkan cantik.... ngeh ngeh ngeh)
hope you guys enjoyed it...more pictures to come....since he bought me a new memory card for my cybershot-phone...hik hik to my sony-ericson mun mok beli handphone p mok camera juak...beli la handphone ya... ;)
...have a nice weekend...
Thursday, April 23, 2009 gentle with Me...
All the stars are fixed up in the sky.
I just want to sparkle for a moment
Before I just fizzle out and die.
I'm happy because I'm stupid.
Scared of spiders, scared of flying.
If I wasn't so happy,
I wouldn't be so scared of dying.
So just be gentle with me
(I'm not as young as I was)
And I'll be gentle with you
I'm not as brave as I thought
'Cause my heart gets broken so easily.
So just be gentle, be gentle with me.
Wide awake, waiting like a target
Listening for things I cannot see.
Insects flutter up against my window.
I don't like the way they look at me
i guess I've always needed
To be needed by someone.
It's a comforting feeling
Being under someone's thumb.
So just be gentle with me
(And if I am ever mean)
And I'll be gentle with you
I never mean to be mean
'Cause I want to pick peaches off of a cherry tree.
Just be gentle, be gentle, be gentle,
Be gentle with me.
So just be gentle with me
Trouble is sometimes
And I'll be gentle with you
I just can't switch myself off
When I want to so I never do
Because I'm mental, be gentle, be gentle,
Just be gentle, be gentle, be gentle
And I'll be gentle, be gentle, be gentle,be gentle with you.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sick people
I was browsing through my blog post just now…and I am so surprised to find few comments that I haven’t read although the posts was about few weeks old.
Offensive comments…comments that remind me that there are sick people in this world and ‘fortunately’ these sick people read my posts. Worse they care enough to share their sick thought.
My bad…I didn’t moderate my comments. Whatever…pity them for being so sick and pathetic and just envy me for loving my life.
Monday, April 20, 2009
new layout
hahaha...taukla tok bukan kreativiti kmk....sik pandey gilak la nak meng-edit2 htm tok....masih blaja... ;)
by the way...kmk kehilangan some of link kpd blog kawan2 kmk masa menukar layout help me please? huhu...anta jak komen ke sitok... ;)
i do read your blog.....even if i never leave any comment... :)
Rahsia Nombor Lahir
7 + 8 + 1986 = 2001
2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3
Nombor Tarikh Lahir anda ialah : 3
1. Ketulenan
Hadir dengan idea baru.
Memperolehi sesuatu dengan cara yang tersendiri.
Golongan ini merupakan yang paling jujur dan boleh mempelajari dengan baik teknik diplomasi.
Mereka suka mengambil inisiatif dan suka menjadi yang terbaik dan kebiasannya adalah pemimpin atau boss.
Bekerja sendiri merupakan pilihan terbaik mereka.
2. Pendamai
Dilahirkan sebagai diplomat.
Mereka selalu memikirkan dan peka terhadap keperluan dan perasaan orang lain sebelum mengambil kira dirinya sendiri.
Secara semulajadi sangat analitikal dan suka mengikut gerak hati.
Mereka tidak suka bersendirian. Persahabatan adalah penting buat mereka dan berupaya mendorong mereka untuk berjaya di dalam hidup, tetapi mereka sanggup untuk bersendirian jika hubungan yang terjalin itu tidak serasi.
Golongan ini secara semulajadi adalah pemalu, mereka patut belajar untuk meningkatkan nilai kendiri (self esteem) dan meluahkan perasaan secara terbuka tanpa berselindung.
3. Ceria
Golongan ini merupakan golongan yang idealistik.
Mereka sangat kreatif, sosial, mesra, romantik dan mudah dibawa berunding.
Mereka suka memulakan sesuatu tetapi jarang dapat menghabiskannya.
Mereka suka orang lain gembira dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk mencapainya. Mereka sangat popular dan idealistik.
Golongan ini perlu belajar untuk melihat sesuatu dengan lebih realistik.
4. Konsevatif
Golongan ini sangat peka dan tradisional.
Mereka sukakan arahan dan sesuatu yang rutin.
Mereka hanya akan bertindak apabila faham sepenuhnya tentang apa yang sepatutnya mereka lakukan.
Mereka suka bekerja keras dan sanggup melakukan sesuatu kerja secara sendirian. Mereka mudah tertarik dengan aktiviti luar dan merasai pertalian dengan alam sekitar. Mereka berupaya untuk bersabar, tekun dan adakala dianggap degil.
Mereka harus belajar untuk lebih feksibel dan bersikap lebih baik terhadap diri sendiri.
5. Perintis
Mereka adalah perintis.
Secara semulajadi mereka mempunyai sikap ingin tahu dan suka mengambil risiko serta sangat bersemangat (enthusiasm).
Mereka perlukan kepelbagaian dan tidak suka disekat. Dunia ini adalah sekolah mereka, mereka memerhatikan setiap peluang untuk mempelajari sesuatu daripada setiap situasi yang ditempuhi. Persoalan yang bermain difikiran mereka tidak pernah terhenti.
Golongan ini dinasihatkan untuk melihat sesuatu dengan teliti dan mendapat semua fakta yang diperlukan sebelum membuat sesuatu kesimpulan.
6. Romantik
Golongan ini adalah idealistik dan memerlukan sesuatu sebab untuk berasa gembira. Hubungan kekeluarga yang kuat adalah penting buat mereka. Perasaan mereka mempengaruhi keputusan mereka. - Mereka sangat suka untuk membantu dan menjaga seseorang.
Mereka sangat setia dan boleh menjadi guru yang terbaik.
Mereka suka seni musik.
Mereka menjadi teman yang setia kepada sesiapa yang menjalin persahabatan secara serius.
Golongan ini harus belajar apakah yang boleh diubah dan apakah yang tidak boleh diubahnya.
7. Intelektual
Golongan ini adalah Pencari.
Selalu menyelesaikan sesuatu yang tersembunyi,dan mereka sukar untuk menerima sesuatu perkara dengan mudah.
Perasaan mereka tidak mempengaruhi keputusan mereka.
Mereka suka mempersoalkan apa yang ada disekeliling mereka tetapi mereka tidak suka dipersoalkan.
Mereka kerap dikenali sebagai ahli falsafah dan sangat berpengetahuan dan kadangkala bersendirian.
Mereka gemarkan perkara yang berteknikal dan berkebolehan untuk menjadi penyelidik yang baik dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu perkara.
Mereka sangat suka berahsia.
Golongan ini hidup dalam dunia mereka tersendiri dan mereka perlu belajar untuk menerima kenyataan dunia sebenar.
8. Penyelesaian
Golongan ini adalah penyelesaian masalah.
Mereka adalah profesional, berterus terang, penilai yang baik dan sangat tegas.
Mereka selalu mempunyai perancangan yang hebat dan suka hidup dalam suasana kehidupan yang terbaik.
Mereka sangat suka mengendalikan manusia. Mereka melihat manusia secara objektif. Mereka akan memberitahu seseorang dengan cara mereka tersendiri bahawa mereka adalah ketua.
Golongan ini perlu belajar untuk membuat keputusan berdasarkan keperluan sendiri daripada mengikut keperluan orang lain.
9. Pelakon
Golongan ini mempunyai kebolehan untuk menghiburkan orang lain.
Mereka sangat penyayang dan pemurah.
Dengan daya tarikan yang ada, mereka tidak mempunyai masalah untuk berkawan dengan sesiapa jua dan pada mereka tiada sesiapapun yang dianggap asing kepada mereka.
Mereka mempunyai personaliti yang pelbagai sehingga menyukarkan orang sekeliling mereka untuk memahami mereka.
Mereka umpama binatang sumpah-sumpah yang boleh berubah dan menyesuaikan diri mengikut persekitaran.
Mereka mempunyai nasib yang sangat baik tetapi juga boleh menderita akibat terlalu bergantung kepada nasib dan perasaan (mood). Untuk berjaya golongan ini perlu membina landasan kasih sayang.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I know…lately I’ve been complaining a lot…and whine even a whole lot more…
Somehow I get into thinking today…and I realize how unthankful I am. Perhaps when there are so many people to thank for, you don’t know where to start and unfortunately later on you just keep on delaying it again and again. :*sigh*
Slowly when things start to fall into its places…I feel like I can finally breathe again…although there is still one more problem that I’m quite hopeless to settle it by myself. Crossing my finger and hope for the best.
I’ve been quite busy this week. There’s lecture almost everyday…thanks to my super-duper-nice-and-helpful-and-brilliant-but-so-humble supervisor. I guess he knows that I have no basic in my research and he’s helping me all he can. Thank you so much. I am so honored to be your student.
The weather is pleasant although there are few days when it is quite windy and chilly but over-all, I’m enjoying it. The flowers are so pretty…there is a roundabout in my university that is covered in beautiful and colorful flowers…and I swear I smile each and every time I walk pass the roundabout. Yes…there’s tulip as well…white, purple, red and yellow…pity I didn’t take any picture…I’m the model…not the person behind the camera… :p
Get so addicted with the song by Katy Perry…thinking of you…haha…someone was not so pleased with this. Not that this song means anything to me dear…although I can relate to it… :p You know how emotional I am…and how involved I am with movies and songs sometimes….I love the way the song was sang…I love the rhyme in the words…and I just love her voice singing that song. Nothing more…I am way too in love with you to be thinking about my unpleasant past. ;)
(I love you dear…I’ve told you right? But I want to tell you over and over and over again…I know you will never get bored… :p )
Friday, April 17, 2009
Luka rasa hati…
...just maybe...
…if I can numb this feeling….
...and practice to numb this feeling over and over again each time I’m feeling it… the future…
...I wouldn’t feel it again…
...maybe that’s the best…
...after all I don’t know what to do about it…
...cause it seems like it doesn’t really matter…
Sometimes I forget that most men don’t understand sarcasm.
Usually I’m pretty straightforward with what I want…or it just doesn’t really matter, so I would say, ‘up to you’…
Unfortunately…when I’m upset I tend to use sarcasm…and when he doesn’t understand, I would get more upset…
I’m pretty messed up right now. Trying to fit in with a huge huge problem keeps on knocking on my brain….and since everyone is so extra nice to me...and trying their very best to help me...i am not allowed to express what I feel...
p/s: feels like my grammar is all over the place…. I need my laptop back… *sigh*…
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
you look green......erk?...heh heh
Good-hearted and giving, you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people.
Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum — reliable and trustworthy.
People know they can count on you to be around in times of need, since your concern for people is genuine and sincere.
You take pride in being a good friend.
For you, success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth, not by status or position.
Rare as emeralds, greens are wonderful, natural people.
It truly is your color!
Monday, April 13, 2009
So it’s spring.
It’s slightly warmer and more humid than before. I love spring. I love the colorful flowers. I love the pleasant weather. I love seeing people spending their time with their love ones at the park.
I love the tulips.
I’ve been here for three weeks now. The class has started. I’m expected to be at the lab every week days.
I’m fine.
I’m frustrated that I can’t understand their language. No matter how bad I want to. I feel so bored of unable to converse with my new lab-mates. I’m bored of watching the tv and keep on guessing what exactly they are saying to each other.
But I’m fine and I’m not giving up.
I’m quite lonely…forgive me but I’ve lived with my family for almost all my life (except that one short year when I have to study in Labuan)…now I’m so far from
them and slowly that loneliness find its way into my heart.
But I’m fine and I will be okay.
I miss my friends. I’ve always miss them. Especially those I keep close to my heart. I miss my sisters. I miss my cousin. I miss talking and gossiping and just laugh at silly jokes that we crack.
But I’m fine and I will make new friends.
I will be fine….after all…I love the tulips… ;)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Remember when you were a kid and your biggest worry was like if you get a bike for your birthday or if you get to eat cookie for breakfast...?
Being an adult…totally overrated.
I mean seriously…don’t be fooled by all the hot-shoes and the-no-parents-anywhere-telling-you-what-to-do.
Adulthood is responsibility.
Responsibility… it really does suck.
Really really sucks.
Adult have to be at places and do things and earn a living and pay the rent and if you are training to be a surgeon; hold a human heart in your hand.
Talk about responsibility!
Kind of make bikes and cookie sounds really-really good…don’t it?
Unfortunately when you get past the age of braces and training bras, responsibility doesn’t go away.
It can’t be avoided; either someone makes us face it or we suffer the consequences.
And still adulthood has its perks.
I mean the shoes…the no-parent-anywhere-telling-what-to-do, that’s pretty damn good.... :P
_grey's anatomy season1_